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Product BRO.P.LINEAR_POS-LI-Q25L-E.KR (HTML, 181.9K)
All Specifications Download Brochure/Folder/Flyer (BRO) LI-Q25 — Shock-resistant linear position sensors (KR) 383 KB Hide All Open All

Last update: 25 June 2024, 3:06 am


Shock-Resistant Linear Position Sensors with IO-Link (HTML, 182.1K)
insight into benefits and functions in 90 seconds At a Glance: Process Optimization with IO-Link IO-Link is essential for paving the way for efficient, digital production Flyer: Li-Q25L Linear Position

Last update: 14 July 2024, 3:06 am


Exact Height Positioning (HTML, 229.6K)
. Here the LI sensor was able to impress thanks to its ability to be parameterized via IO-Link. The IO-Link interface allows the user from the controller to define the measuring ranges, invert the output

Last update: 14 July 2024, 3:06 am


Shock-Resistant Linear Position Sensors with IO-Link (HTML, 173.8K)
Shock-Resistant Linear Position Sensors with IO-Link 20/21 – Turck's robust Li-Q25L achieves a shock resistance of 200 g and combines the benefits of the contactless inductive measuring

Last update: 15 July 2024, 3:06 am


Shock-Resistant Linear Position Sensors with IO-Link (HTML, 174.1K)
Shock-Resistant Linear Position Sensors with IO-Link 20/21 – Turck's robust Li-Q25L achieves a shock resistance of 200 g and combines the benefits of the contactless inductive measuring

Last update: 15 July 2024, 3:06 am


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